Increase the strength of your Reiki energy with this profound training. Increase your frequency! Magnify your life’s purpose. Usui /Sacred Flame Reiki training will boost your effectiveness and clarify your Path. This level of Reiki will raise your frequency significantly, supporting you to be the Light in your world.
Class sizes are kept small and intimate so each student has plenty of personal guidance.
Earn your Reiki Master Certification. Register now to reserve your spot.
Most people pursue their Reiki Mastership because they want more of this great thing we call Reiki. They are moved because of the positive changes in their lives from having Reiki training. They’re aware of a sense of spiritual calling in life and resonate with Reiki’s connection to that. Many healers enjoy the completeness that Reiki adds to their work.
Prepare to experience a whole new level of Reiki energy! Experience for yourself the profound, gentle power of Sacred Flame. Where Usui Reiki comes through your palm chakras, Sacred Flame’s energy is established in 3 energy centers within your energy complex. We begin Friday evening completing the 4th Usui attunement, preparing your energy system for the higher frequencies of Sacred Flame. Technically at this point the student is an Usui Reiki Master. However, with the gift of Sacred Flame’s much higher frequency, why stop there?!!
We’ll spend the weekend learning how to perform psychic surgery, and what is called the Core procedure, a truly powerful, effective healing tool for yourself and for others. We’ll enjoy a series of meditations each of which will further establish and ignite the Sacred Flame within you. We’ll learn how to use that energy specifically for profound, simple ways to heal and release a wide variety of concerns and issues. We’ll have some exploration around the use of crystals and sacred objects and the layering of symbols with Reiki.
Deep healings occur specifically around whatever is hindering the student from their Path. These healings are highly individualized and unique to each person.
Many notice their personal growth and evolution is happening much more rapidly, without the otherwise typical static surrounding those shifts.
Most report the Reiki energy being itself more palpable and stronger as they give it, and from what they witness in their recipients.
Healing happens more quickly and more deeply, facilitating more complete healing for the recipient, and for one’s self-healing
A sense of support and security seem to replace worry in a most pronounced way.
Many report a wonderful feeling of being loved and cared for. This deeper connection is very nurturing.
One’s sense of guidance and connection becomes more profound.
Deposits of $100 are accepted to reserve your space.
One key unique difference in Usui Sacred Flame Reiki is the attunement process. Unlike traditional Usui Reiki, in Sacred Flame Reiki the Reiki Master Teacher does not physically attune the student.
Your Sacred Flame Usui Reiki Master Teacher will guide you through a series of very specific meditations called “Ignitions”.
The ignintions serve to clear any energy signatures that would in any way conflict with, or disrupt your complete connection to this wondrous, higher frequency called Sacred Flame. Further, these powerful ignitions install the sacred Flame into the energy system.
In Friday evening’s class the students are attuned to the 4th Usui Reiki symbol, learning three specific uses. Foundations for the Sacred Flame are presented.
Over the weekend students receive the sacred Ignitions that will amplify and magnify their Reiki. Students learn several techniques to release and heal a wide variety of issues, both for yourself and for others.
We explore the use of crystals and sacred objects, and layering of symbols with Reiki. The use of altars and sacred objects to create magnifications of energy for a specific purpose.
Deep healings occur specifically around whatever is hindering the student from their unique Path.
The attributes of Sacred Flame Reiki, its benefits, how it’s used, and practice with each other are enjoyed.
As an independent Reiki Master Teacher I am responsible to present my classes based on my own inner sense of guidance and values.
I develop my own format for my classes to reflect my values, knowledge, and 20 years of experience on the many topics I include in my trainings.
I had no choice but to change the name of my Master class since it is no longer the same class as the ICRT’s now trademarked class.
I brought the matter to the attention of the Reiki Masters that I have trained, explaining the need to change to name to Usui/Sacred Flame Reiki that I teach in order to be in compliance with laws governing trademarks and intellectual property. An overwhelming number of my Master students suggested “Sacred Flame”.
I have noted that the energy frequency of the Reiki that comes through me has increased since I first “met” Sacred Flame via the ICRT in 2014. In late 2018 I experienced a specific increase, or “upgrade” in my Reiki frequencies, and immediately noticed an increase in power and effectiveness, experiencing a surge of inner growth.
I have noted that the responses and shifts within the students since then, regardless of Degree, has become significantly more powerful. I am witnessing students growing and developing much more rapidly than ever before. Therefore, I will continue to share this wondrous energy as Usui/Sacred Flame Reiki.
I’ve been visiting my folks, and my Dad had back surgery recently. His hip pain and stiffness is
beginning to creep back in after 3 weeks, and he’s been having trouble falling asleep at night,
uncommon for him. I’ve been doing Sacred Flame Reiki on him each night before bed, and
every time he gets up afterward, his hip pain his gone and he feels totally normal. While having a mixed response to falling asleep, he’s sleeping with Reiki. When I’ve been doing Scared Flame on him, I feel lots of energy through my body and heat through my hands, and good, present focus.
I’m more aware than ever of my unconscious patterns that run the show much of the time,
which is allowing me the awareness to make new choices in more empowering ways.
Yuckiness aside I am LOVING Scared Flame. No wonder you are so enthusiastic about it! It will
be interesting to see where I am a year from now, because I already see changes that I sincerely hope will be permanent!
In January 2014, William Lee Rand, the leader of the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) was gifted with an energy frequency that notably improved, deepened, strengthened, and intensified everything we knew about Reiki.
As best I can describe it, Usui Reiki had been given an upgrade in frequency. As mankind is evolving, so the energies available to mankind for healing are increasing.
I noted that the energy frequency of the Reiki that comes through me has increased since I first “met” Sacred Flame via the ICRT in 2014.
In late 2018 I experienced a specific increase, or “upgrade” in Reiki frequencies and immediately noticed an increase in power and effectiveness in a surge of inner growth.
As an independent Reiki Master Teacher I am responsible to present classes based on my own inner sense of guidance and by my values. I developed my own format for classes. The particulars of my class is designed to reflect my values, knowledge, and experience on the many topics I include in my trainings. I had no choice but to change the name of my Master class since it is no longer the same class as the ICRT’s now trademarked class.
As an instructor I have noted that the responses and shifts within the students since then, regardless of degree, has become significantly more powerful. I’m witnessing students growing and developing much more rapidly than ever before.
Therefore, I will continue to share this wondrous energy aptly named Sacred Flame Reiki in order to be in compliance with laws governing trademarks and intellectual property